Taking care of the savage beasts

PIKE FISHING.  Fishing Waters in Stoke On Trent and Staffordshire

As the traditional pike fishing season approaches many experienced anglers will be dusting down the rods and preparing bait and tackle in anticipation of battles with freshwater sharks. To the inexperienced it may come as a surprise that the fearsome beast is in fact the most delicate of fishes and should be treated with the utmost care and respect as should all fish species.

With the huge influx of new and lapsed anglers this year the pike will undoubtably be targeted by those wishing to give pike fishing a try for the first time or maybe brush up on their skills in order to enjoy a possible catch of a lifetime and also to return any fish in prime condition.

There are essential items of tackle that you should be in possession of before attempting to fish for pike. Rods should be substantial, a carp rod of two and a quarter pound test curve will handle most eventualities, a good sized reel should be loaded with at least 15lb line and a wire trace of at least 20lb breaking strain should be used, you should never fish for pike without a wire trace. A large landing net and unhooking mat must be carried.

A good set of unhooking tools should be carried and a filleting glove is a useful piece of kit to protect your fingers and give you that extra bit of confidence when handling the fish, hooks should be semi barbless and will come out with ease. 

You should be in control of your rods at all times and be prepared to strike immediately should you get a take, a pike when feeding confidently can quickly swallow a bait and become deep hooked if you're not paying attention. 

There is a wealth of information at the touch of a button that will help with your fishing, your local tackle shop will advise on tackle, bait and techniques and we have several experienced pike anglers who would be only too happy to answer your questions and point you in the right direction. 

Written by Admin

This post was written by Admin FDAS
on 28th Sep 2020

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