

Membership Rules

When purchasing a membership card online you will recieve a confirmation email allowing you to fish immediately, the email and proof of your identity should be made available to bailiffs on request, the confirmation email will be valid for a period of seven days from date of purchase, if you have not recieved your memebership card during this period you should contact the society.

All junior members under the age of 12 must be supervised by a responsible adult.

Any member who supplies a lead to a new water will recieve a complimentary membership card for the following year should the water subsequently be taken on by the society. Members with potential leads should contact secfdas@gmail.com

1. A General Meeting of members shall be held on the second Wednes- day of the month at 7.30 pm. The Chairman has the discretion to withhold any item of business until a further meeting. The Annual

General meeting shall be held on the second Wednesday in Novemberat 7.30pm. Standing order will apply ie The member proposing the motion will state his/her case. The member seconding will state his reason for support. Each full member will have one opportunity to state their opinion and the proposer of the motion will then sum up the motion.

The October meeting is the closing date for nominations, proposals and amendments for the AGM. All proposals and amendments will be discussed at this meeting.

The vote for the AGM shall be by a show of cards. Only Full Members (white cards) over the age of 18 years have the right to vote.

Meetings are held at Longton cricket club Ripon Road Blurton Stoke On Trent ST3 3BL

2. There are 4 grades of membership. FULL MEMBER, ASSOCIATE MEMBER, ASSOCIATE JUVENILE and ASSOCIATE SENIOR CITIZEN. Adult membership is required from the age of 18. Senior membership starts aged 65. Associate members wishing to apply for Full (white card) membership must be in possession of two concurrent membership cards, complete two working parties and are required to complete two working parties per year to retain full membership.

3. Membership cards are not transferable.

4. Membership subscriptions are due on 1st January and expire on 31st December. Members (white cards) may renew their membership at monthly meetings or by post to the secretary but if not renewed by 1 June will be excluded from full membership.

5. Any member in breach of the rules can be suspended or expelled without redress from the Society on a resolution to that effect being supported by two thirds of the members present and voting at a properly convened meeting.

6. All grades of members must produce a current membership card and an Environment Agency licence on request at the waterside, under penalty of suspension. Members not in possession of a current membership wil be asked to leave the water.

7. Members must at all time behave in a sporting and considerate manner towards their fellow anglers and show full consideration for the well being of the Societies fisheries and reputation.

8. All Environment Agency fishing regulations must be observed. No rod and line with bait or hook in the water to be left unattended so that the member is unable to exercise immediate physical control over such tackle. No live bait allowed. A maximum of two rods per angler is permitted.

9. An adult member or OAP member may take a juvenile under 12 years of age onto any water provided they share the same peg and use only one rod each. Only adult members have a right to inspect another angler’s catch, to request to see a membership card and to report any refusal, in writing to the Secretary.

10. No fish to be removed from any water without the permission of the Society. No carp or barbel, irrespective of size, or any other fish over 2 lbs to be retained in a keep net, except in matches. Specimen Carp may be retained in a carp sack for photographic purposes only. Anyone specifically fishing for carp or pike must be in possession of a suitable landing net and an unhooking mat and use of back leads is recommended when duck and wild fowl are present. Minimum of 15lb mainline and 20lb wire trace must be used when pike fishing. Pike fishing is from 1st October to 14th March only.

11. No member shall fish within ten yards of another members swim unless by mutual consent. Fishing is from recognised pegs only. Members must not fish more than half way when opposite bank pegs are occupied.

12. Fires, Guns, Litter or Misbehaviour will not be tolerated on any water.

13. No member should attempt to fish whilst under the influence of drugs or alchohol. No food or drinks can of any description is allowed on any water.

14. All unused ground bait is to be removed. Under no circumstances should unused ground bait be discarded into the water or onto the bankside. Groundbait and loosefeed of any description is strictly limited to 1 kilo per angler per day.

15. Only full members (white cards) and night permit holders over the age of 18 are allowed to night fish (dusk till dawn) and only on those waters where night fishing is allowed by the owner. Full (white card) members under the age of 18 years may night fish if accompanied by a parent or guardian who is also a full (white card) member.

16. No match or competition may be conducted on the Society’s waters unless formally booked via the match secretary.

17. Winners must return their trophies in a clean and undamaged condition at the March meeting of the following year.

18. Members may be required to sign the bailiff’s record book

19. The Society reserves the right to close any venue for an unspecified period of time.

20. Any rule made or changed at an AGM will remain unaltered for an initial 3 years unless the necessity for such a change is beyond the control of the Society.

21. Any member found to have litter on his peg will be required to remove it.

22. The use of suspended baits in order to fish on the surface is prohibited. Peanuts as hook baits or ground bait are banned. The card is and remains the property of the Society and it may be used only by the person to whom or for whose use it was issued. Its use is subject at all times to the rules and conditions of membership currently in force. It must be returned to the Society on request and may be retained should the Society deem its best interest would be served in so doing.